Sermon Downloads

9:30 Service Sermons

9.30 service

Motto Verse for 2014
The Motto Verse for 2014 Carolyn Lucas
Audio file
John's Gospel
Jesus Predicts His Death Pete Everett
Audio file
Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet Stephen Kuhrt
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Jesus Comforts His Disciples Andy Black
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Jesus promises the Holy Spirit Stephen Kuhrt
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Jesus the True Vine Carolyn Lucas
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The work of the Holy Spirit Stephen Kuhrt
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Jesus' High Priestly Prayer Carolyn Lucas
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Why on earth should we give to the church?
A response to God's Love Carolyn Lucas
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A response to God's call to mission Stephen Kuhrt
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A response to God's call to trust in Him Tom Collins
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Towards Easter with John's Gospel
The Arrest of Jesus Katy Loffman
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The Death of Jesus Izzy Rickards
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Jesus and Mary Magdalene Stephen Kuhrt
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Jesus and Thomas Andy Black
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Mothering Sunday
Mothering Sunday Stephen Kuhrt
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APCM 2014 Stephen Kuhrt
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Finding nourishment through the Psalms
Psalm 23 Stephen Kuhrt
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Psalm 46 Pete Everett
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Psalm 121 Carolyn Lucas
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Psalm 139 Andy Black
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Psalm 150 Stephen Kuhrt
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Psalm 51 Carolyn Lucas
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Psalm 103 Ruth Henson
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Psalm 95 Carolyn Lucas
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Father's Day
The difference men can make to human trafficking Susannah Sloman
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The Theology in Fairy Tales
The Theology of Frozen Stephen Kuhrt
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The Theology of Beauty and the Beast Stephen Kuhrt
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The Theology of Shrek Stephen Kuhrt
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Unity Sunday
The importance of being One Church Stephen Kuhrt
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Why I Am A Christian
Why I am a Christian Tom Douglas
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Why I am a Christian Katy Loffman
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Why I am a Christian Sue McCrossan
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Why I am a Christian Andrew Mills
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Why I am a Christian Claire Jaggers
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The Secret of Joy: Paul's letter to the Philippians
Seeing how God brings good out of bad Stephen Kuhrt
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An attitude like that of Jesus Pete Everett
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Sitting lightly to human status markers Carolyn Lucas
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Being clear about the Christian Hope Stephen Kuhrt
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Learning to relate well to others Andy Black
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A Vision for our Youth and Children's Work
A Vision for our Youth and Children's Work Stephen Kuhrt
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Harvest Sunday
Harvest Service Carolyn Lucas
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Freedom Sunday
Freedom Sunday Emily Chalke
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Making a Christian response to the things that scare us
The threat of failure Stephen Kuhrt
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The threat of terrorism Stephen Kuhrt
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The threat of Ebola Carolyn Lucas
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Mission Sunday
The difference mission makes Rachel Cook
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Finding God in every aspect of Chrismas
Finding God in the parties at Christmas Stephen Kuhrt
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Finding God in the decorations at Christmas Izzy Rickards
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Finding God in the food and drink at Christmas Andy Black
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Christmas Services 2014
Children's Carol Service Stephen Kuhrt & Susannah Sloman
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Christmas Day Stephen Kuhrt
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What have I learnt about God during this past year? Pete Everett
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