Christian Mission in the 21st Century

From its early days, mission has been central to the Christian faith with followers of Jesus Christ being sent out to share his love with the world. This mission has always taken many forms with the message of God’s love in Jesus Christ accompanied by tangible signs of this love in care and action on behalf of the poor. However, in each generation the missional needs of the world and the role of church need to be reconsidered and our recently reformed Global Mission Group plays the central role at Christ Church in directing our thinking and action on this. Part of our mission as a church involves causes and issues in places far away from New Malden but also responding to such issues on our doorstep, such as the Night Shelter that we run in February and March for people who are homeless. During this series – which again will cross all three of our services – we will consider various aspects of Christian Mission in the Twenty First Century and how God is calling us to respond to them.
