Relating to the other bits of Christ Church

It would be very easy for Christ Church to become three churches using the same building rather than the single, united community which we are meant to be. During this series we will therefore think about how those of us who come to the 9.30 service can and should relate to ‘the other bits of Christ Church – the other two Sunday services and their members at 11.00 and 6.30 and also our work with teenagers. Mission Sunday will also form part of this as we think about our relationship with the church’s overseas missionaries. At the heart of Christianity is the one God creating one, united people to belong to him and hopefully these talks will form part of helping that vision to become more of a reality at Christ Church.

Date Sort descending Title Speaker
Relating to the work with teenagers Nathan Larkin
Relating to the 11 o'clock service Stephen Kuhrt
Relating to Our Overseas Missionaries Paul Thaxter
Relating to the six30 at CCNM service Susannah Sloman