Harvest Service

Harvest Service at 10am on Sunday 1st October followed by Children's entertainer at 11am and Bring & Share lunch from 12pm.

On Sunday 1st October we will celebrate Harvest with a United Service at 10 am (including children's groups as usual) followed by entertainment for the children from 11 and a 'bring and share' lunch from midday. The idea is that everyone brings either their favourite food - or the food that they are most accomplished at creating! If you have a  pièce de résistance do go for it - otherwise simply bring the dish you like most! A sign up sheet for this will be in the lounge from this Sunday.

Our Harvest offering this year will once again be items for the Foodbank based in New Malden Baptist Church. Please look at the list of the items that they most need and bring some of these to our Harvest service as part of our offering of thanksgiving to God for everything that he gives to us.

Harvest Gifts for foodbank